Contractions of facial muscles result in expression lines that, with time, can become increasingly evident on the face. These lines are also known as wrinkles or furrows. To soften and reduce these various expression lines, a muscle relaxant can be injected. This injection temporarily blocks or reduces the transmission of the brain’s signal that travels via ‘motor’ nerves to the muscles of facial expression to contract. This results in a smoother appearance.
When do benefits start and how long do they last?
Improvement in the appearance of your wrinkles can start within 7 days with full effect by 14 days. Repeated injections are required to maintain beneficial effects (often 3-6 monthly).
What is involved?
This treatment benefits from precise injection of the anti-wrinkle agent into the target muscles. Multiple injections are usually required to address each treatment area.
What to expect after treatment?
As with any injection there is the risk of pain, bruising and swelling at the sites of injection. Headache which settles over days may also occur.
What other treatments does this work in combination with?
Although this is a good stand alone treatment. Combination treatments with Dermal Injection Bio Remodeller or Dermal filler can complement and work well in combination.
Make an appointment for a consultation with one of our cosmetic nurses or dermatologists for personalized advice.